
The 14th International Workshop on Meta-Synthesis and Complex Systems


On-Line Conferencing Ba MCS2014_Program

Organized by

China Academy of Aerospace Systems Science and Engineering

Institute of Systems Science,

Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science,CAS




Beijing Normal University

National University of Defence Technology

International Society for Knowledge and Systems Sciences

Systems Engineering Society of China

IEEE SMC Beijing Chapter

Welcome to MCS2014

Activated with regular exchanges on complex system modeling mainly between Japanese and Chinese scholars as well as a major project on meta-synthesis system research (1999-2003) in China, the international workshop on meta-synthesis and complex system became an annual event since 2001.  After successful MCS2001(Beijing), MCS2002 (Shanghai, together with KSS2002), MCS2003 (Guangzhou, together with KSS2003), MCS2004 (Beijing), MCS2005 (Kobe, one workshop of IFSR2005), MCS2006 (Beijing, together with KSS2006), MCS2007 (Beijing, one workshop of ICCS2007), MCS2008 (Singapore, a special track at IEEE SMC2008), MCS2009 (Chengdu, a workshop at MCDM2009), MCS2010 (Toronto, a workshop at WI-IAT2010), MCS2011(Lanzhou, a workshop at BI2011), MCS2012 (Macau, a workshop of Active Media Technology 2012), and MCS2013 (Machester, UK, a workshop at IEEE SMC 2013). MCS is growing into a dedicated forum for complex system modeling and methodologies to provide opportunities for those researchers who are interested in systems sciences, complex problem solving and advanced modeling, knowledge-oriented technology and integration, decision sciences and advancing support technologies, etc. MCS'2014 aims to facilitate distributing new ideas and latest research results on effective concepts, methodologies and advanced tools to tackle the wicked problems on social, economic and environmental developments and exploring next-generation knowledge intensive tools for complex system modeling and human decision making.


This workshop will cover a broad range of research topics in the fields of complex system modeling, systems science and knowledge science. The presentations and papers at MCS2014 are expected to cover but not limited to the following areas:  

-  Big data & social media based knowledge discovry & data mining, text mining, recommendation system, etc.

-  Brain systems engineering

-  Complex system analysis and modeling

-  Computing methods for uncertainty modeling

-  Consensus methods and technologies, e.g. voting model, MCDM, etc.

-  Decision support systems

-  Dynamic social network modeling and simulation

--Knowledge creation, creativity support, awareness support, etc.

--Knowledge systems engineering and knowledge management

--Meta-synthetic system modeling and advanced environment, e.g. risk crisis & emergency management, socioeconomic system, etc.

- Opinon Dynamics

- Problem structuring methods and system methodologies



More about meta-synthesis:

        Originally proposed in 1990 by the famous Chinese system scientist Qian Xuesen (1911-2009) towards open complex giant systems, meta-synthesis approach emphasizes to make full use of cutting-edge information technologies and aims to achieve knowledge creation and wisdom emergence along human-machine collaborative complex problem solving process.
        Intensive research has been engaged into meta-synthesis approach to complex system modeling with an interdisciplinary view together with more practice in both reality and the designed scenarios. In recent years, computational approaches have been greatly enhanced to explore knowledge-related technologies to mine more hidden patterns, tacit meanings from humans, which thus brings out many new foci on diverse topics. As new wicked problems, e.g. emergency management and terrorism, bring more troubles to the current world, similar systems thinkings like meta-synthesis have been of further exploration, such as the advanced concept group in Sandia National Laboratories. It is expected that the meta-synthesis system approach will be of more solid foundations and wide applications. MCS workshop aims to facilitate idea generation, knowledge sharing and scientific collaboration among those endeavors.



Program Committee

Acting Chair:

 Xijin TANG  ( CAS Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science )

 Xiaoji ZHOU  (China Academy of Aerospace Systems Science and Engineering )




Alidaee,Bahram ( University of Mississippi , USA )

Bai, Guohua (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Bai, Quan (
Auckalnd University of Technology, New Zealand)
Brugha, Cathal M. (
University College Dublin, Ireland)
Chen, Jian (
Tsinghua University, China)
Di, Zengru (
Beijing Normal University, China)
Galam, Serge (
CNRS, France)
Fang, Yong (
CAS Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, China)
He, Jing (
Victoria University, Australia)

Kijima, Kyoichi (Tokyo Institute of Technology , Japan )

Kochenberger, Gary A. (Univeristy of Colorado at Denver , USA )

Li, Zhenpeng (Dali University, China )

Liu, Yijun ( CAS Institute of Policy and Management , China )

Midgley, Gerald (University of Hull, UK)

Makowski, Marek (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis , Austria )

Ohsawa, Yukio ( University of Tokyo , Japan )

Rong, Lili ( Dalian University of Technology , China )

Ryoke, Mina ( University of Tsukuba , Japan )

Shen, Huizhang ( Shanghai Jiaotong University , China )

Wallner, Fritz ( University of Vienna , Austria )

Wang, Dahui ( Beijing Normal University , China )

Wang, Haibo ( Texas A&M International University , USA )

Wang, Xianjia( Wuhan University , China )

Wei, Cuiping ( Qufu Normal University , China )

Wei, Yiming (Beijing Institute of Technology , China )

Xi, Youmin( Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University , China )

Xia, Haoxiang( Dalian University of Technology , China )

Yang, Jianmei (South China University of Technology , China )

Yoshida,Taketoshi ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , Japan )

Zhang, Minjie ( University of Wollongong , Australia )

Zhang, Pengzhu ( Shanghai Jiaotong University , China )

Zhang, Wen ( Beijing Univeristy of Chemical Technology , China )

Zeng, Yi ( CAS Institute of Automation , China )





 Xijin Tang   xjtang@iss.ac.cn

 Xiaoji Zhou   zh_xj@sina.com




Past MCS Workshops


Beijing 2001 | Shanghai 2002 | Guangzhou 2003 | Beijing 2004|

Kobe 2005 | Beijing 2006 | Beijing 2007 | Singapore 2008 |

Chengdu 2009 | Toronto 2010 | Lanzhou 2011 | Macau 2012 | Manchester 2013