- Hierarchies, ties and power in organizational networks: model and analysis 数学院南楼N420 Dr. Jiamou Liu
- 在线社会网络中传播与意见动力学模型 中科院数学院南楼N205
- Empirical M-cycles Balance Investigation on Relationship among the Countries of the Middle East, US and the Extreme Factions 中科院数学院 N219 李振鹏
- The Stupidity of the Crowd and the Wisdom of the Swarm 中科院数学院 N219 Peter A. Gloor
- Blog Users behaviors (collective online responsing behaviors laws) Modeling and Empirical Analysis 中科院数学院 N514 李振鹏
- How Social Quantum Physics Empowers Collective Consciousness 中科院数学院 N514 Peter A. Gloor
- 社会治理的系统认知 中科院数学院 N420 刘怡君
- Solutions create unintended problems 中科院南楼N514 Sander van der Leeuw
- 城市人群移动模式的预测模型 中科院南楼N514 狄增如教授
- Social dynamics, research metheodologies, and new highlights 数学所南楼514 李振鹏
- Cognitive Robotics: Baby steps to learning and teaching 中科院南楼N514 Professor David Powers (Flinders University)
- 圈子的社会网结构:一个整合个体与集体的观点 数学院南楼N514 会议室 罗家德教授,李振鹏副教授
- 大数据方法与新闻传播 数学院南楼514 喻国明教授 (中国人民大学新闻学院)
- 中国社会的脉搏:网络集群情绪的测量与应用 Rm 514, AMSS South Blvd. 陈浩博士,南开大学社会心理学系
- 大数据驱动的交通风险预警 Rm 514, AMSS South Blvd. 杨夙教授,复旦大学计算机学院
- Financial bubbles and opinion dynamics: a connexion from Sociophysics Rm 420, AMSS South Blvd. Serge Galam
- Talk 3. Handling Uncertainties in Emergency Management 思源楼405 Simon French (University of Warwick, UK)
- Talk 2. Cynefin: Connecting Knowledge Management, Statistics and Decision Analysis 思源楼712 Simon French (University of Warwick, UK)
- Talk 1. Expert Judgement, Meta-analysis, and Participatory Risk Analysis (A 思源楼703 Simon French (University of Warwick, UK)
- Random Effects Model, Polarization and Balance in Random signed Graphs 思源楼311 Dr. Zhenpeng Li (Dali University)
- Knowledge Creation Systems for Regional Revitalization 思源楼712 Yoshiteru Nakamori (JAIST, Japan)
- Celebrating thirty years of Sociophysics: can it become a predictive tool? 思源楼309 Serge Galam (CNRS, France)
- 科研中复杂问题的求解方法 思源楼309 胡长建 (NEC中国研究院)
- 分布式数据处理Hadoop 思源楼309 张文(中科院软件所互联网软件技术实验室)
- 数学模型在环境医学中的应用__以广义相加模型为例 思源楼309 李国星 (北京大学公共卫生学院)
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