The ISKSS is first initiated by several institute based on their common interests in knowledge and systems science and a long-term cooperation between each other. Any researcher or institute interested in the knowledge and systems science is welcome to participate in this society.
It's the ISKSS mission: advance global prosperity by fostering knowledge innovation, enable members' careers, and promote community worldwide.
The ISKSS is composed of members in the following categories:
A. Regular Member--an accepted individual who wishes= to further the purpose of the ISKSS.
B. Student Member--an accepted individual who is actively pursuing a formal educational program in knowledge and systems science or a related field. A person may be in this category no more than five consecutive years.
C. Retired Member--an accepted individual who is retired from full-time work.
D. Honorary Fellow--an individual who is selected for special recognition by the board of directors.
E. Institutional Member--an accepted organization, which promotes the objectives of the ISKSS.
F. Past-President Member--an individual who has served as President of the Society shall have life membership.