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  1. 社会公众参与的药品质量安全共治演化博弈分析
  2. 基于演化博弈的药品质量安全监管“人理”分析
  3. 天涯杂谈“红会贴”热点事件分析
  4. Exploring Evolution of Public Opinions on Tianya Club Using Dynamic Topic Models
  5. Evolution Analysis of Societal Risk Events by Risk Maps
  6. 许诺, 唐锡晋. 基于百度热搜新闻词的社会风险事件5W提取研究
  7. A Study on Scale Free Social Network Evolution Model with Degree Exponent < 2
  8. Multilayer coupled network promotes group consensus
  9. Dynamics of Online Collective Attention as Hawkes Self-exciting Process
  10. Robustness of complex networks to cascading failures induced by Poisson fluctuating loads
  11. 在线辩论网络中的互动行为分析
  12. 在线极化辩论立场与理性表达关系研究
  13. 网络异源数据社会风险预估及有效性分析
  14. 基于社会网络分析的“系统科学大会”可视化探析
  15. 基于主题模型的BBS话题演化趋势分析
  16. 基于跨媒体数据的反腐多视角分析
  17. 基于天涯论坛球迷情感分析与行为挖掘
  18. The distributed representation for societal risk classification toward BBS posts
  19. Ensemble of multiple kNN classifiers for societal risk classification
  20. Generating Storyline with Societal Risk from Tianya Club
  21. 定性综合集成支持技术在灾后群众心理研究中的应用
  22. BBS话题的地理分布分析
  23. Problem Structuring Process by Qualitative Meta-synthesis Technologies
  24. Why continuous discussion can promote the consensus of opinions? Computational Social Networks
  25. Information aggregation operators based on hesitant fuzzy sets and prioritization relationship

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CAS,Research Group of Meta-Synthesis and Knowledge Science
京ICP备05002806号-6  文保网安备案号 1101080081 邮箱: mcs@iss.ac.cn
电话:+86 10 82541801